Trials In Tainted Space Foxfire

For those who consider themselves to be a ‘prepper’, or ‘preparedness-minded’, or whatever title you would like to assign, was there a time in your life when you had that ‘ah-ha’ moment or when your mindset changed to start preparing for uncertain times?

Was there a particular event or series of events that set you off in the direction of preparedness?

  1. Lord of the Phoenix is a fanfiction author that has written 24 stories for Harry Potter, X-Men, Stargate: SG-1, Naruto, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Marvel, Young Justice, Breath of Fire, Arrow, Justice League, and Skulduggery Pleasant series.
  2. Trials in Tainted Space is an erotic, ultimately customizable, textual adventure game. It's a game as much about changing your character and those you meet as it is about exploration and adventure. You play as personalized character bent on making his or her fortune among the stars, starting out with only the ship left behind by a deceased father.
  3. is a platform for academics to share research papers.

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Even those of you who consider yourselves to always have been preparedness-minded, was there something that kicked it into a higher gear?

It should be interesting to discover each-others reasoning as to why we are now preppers…


When and Why did you take the ‘red pill’?

So, for me, I would say that my awareness towards preparedness occurred in several stages.

I recall many years ago during the time leading up to the ‘dot com’ bubble, I recognized the ridiculous frenzy of the stock market when investments kept on skyrocketing with the latest new ‘start up’ high-tech company. Seemingly every day there were new IPO’s on Wall Street whereby everyone was apparently getting rich off of the investment mania – regardless of the foundation of the new company itself. You just couldn’t lose (it seemed). While I too had a hefty portion of my 401K monies in that area, I specifically recall ‘knowing’ that this could not last. The bubble was going to burst. I then redirected all of my 401K into ‘safe’ funds and then watched as it all came crashing down. Got out in time…

Trials In Tainted Space Foxfire Tv Show

This was the first time that I really realized that such systemic risks existed – and that to recognize them ahead of time was a very important thing! My risk awareness went up…

Y2K. While it was hyped up to be a world-altering event (I suppose no-one really knew for sure), I did start actively prepping for this. I didn’t go ‘over-board’, but I did purchase food storage and other supplies for ‘just in case’. I suppose that this threat is what actually got the wheels in motion for me.

When 9/11 happened, it really hit home (obviously). I’m sure that event affected you as well. It felt like the nations ‘security blanket’ had been removed. We had been living under a somewhat false sense of security, and were now vulnerable. Time to prepare some more…

Then there was ‘the housing bubble’. Again, the over-inflated frenzy of making a quick buck. It seemed everyone was flipping houses and making the big bucks (I never did). Everyone around me at work kept ‘trading up’ to the bigger house. Refinancing. The McMansion. I stayed in the same house (glad that I did!). Before the peak, I just absolutely knew that it was going to crash. When it did, I was exceedingly glad that I resisted participating and that I still had my same manageable mortgage which I eventually was able to pay off.

By this time I truly recognized many of the systemic risks out there and realized how the vast majority of people follow the herd into the next bubble-bust syndrome. Like Lemmings over a cliff… I knew that I was different, and would not be walking over that cliff with them.

During 2010 a life-threatening health event (not my own) really hit home. It really affected me and how things can drastically change in a very short period of time. ‘Normalcy bias’ became very real, as this event and subsequent period of time shook the concept to its core. It led to a decisive and complete uprooting from where we lived, and the beginning of an entirely new life, which has been the best thing we’ve ever done… That’s when I started this blog. And I’m glad I stuck with it.

In summary, I suppose that I could go on and on with countless examples of the things that I began to see as the curtains were pulled back further (or as I peeled back layers of the onion). It was not a single event for me – although Y2K was the first motivator to begin prepping for real. It was a series of events and eye-opening realizations that kept reinforcing my strive towards independence. This led to a goal of breaking away from ‘the system’ to the extent that I could, in order to become more self-reliant and more insulated from some of the major risks that we face today in our uncertain world (putting it mildly ;) ).

What about you?

ChildrenTwin daughters
  • 5Talk
    • 5.1Sex
    • 5.2Quests


Azra is a Suula hermaphrodite, and Freelance Xenobiologist who was left stranded and penniless on Tavros after being held up in customs with an impatient captain she hired deciding to leave with her credits.


Azra is a 9' chimeric suula, with all the racial traits that entails. A short-muzzled face with hints of shark-like structure and a mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth. However, a crown of glimmering, burnished orange hair hints at typically mammalian traits, and her pointed ears seem almost elfin with a hint of aquatic frill. Azra’s lush black lips smile easily and often.Tiny, interlocking rich gold scales serve as her skin, shimmering softly under any light. She covers up most of her form with a restricting suit of armor, but not even the padded chestplate can conceal her soccerball-sized breasts. Her shapely nature is further compounded by her height and slim nature, highlighting the suula’s motherly curvaceousness.

Wide, child-bearing hips flare out below her waist, threatening to knock a table’s worth of knick-knacks to the floor with every step. The ass she carries behind them is sized to match, only partially hidden by the lengthy, finned tail of a suula as it sways behind her. The crotch of her armor bulges with something more than a purely feminine slit.

History/Personality/Information of Note

Azra is a responsible single mom who successfully keeps her enhanced libido in check with sheer force of will. She has an apartment on the residential deck where her daughters presently live. Her stud was killed when pirates ambushed the ship he was on. She went to school at Saint Bernard’s Institute of Science and Technology.


If the player's day count is 8+, Azra can be encountered by entering the elevator. Azra requests to join your crew to which the player can accept, postpone, or completely deny the offer.

Trials In Tainted Space Foxfire Tv Series

If her crew request is postponed, Azra can be found waiting in the Hangar.

After completing her first quest Steele can interact with her Plant Samples for various scenes, with subsequent quests unlocking more.

Trials in tainted space foxfire book


Steele can talk to Azra about a number of subjects involving her and her family.


  • Fuck Her Cunt - Give Azra’s pussy the fucking it so clearly needs.
    • Requires a cock that fits.
  • Tribbing - Rub pussies together in the way that only two females can.
    • Requires vagina
  • Thighs & Frot - Use her thighs to please your giant-sized dick, all while grinding it against her smaller member.
    • Requires a cock that does not fit: 41 inches or more
  • Docking - Get her to put her dick in your urethra.
    • Requires a cock at least 8.1 inches wide.
Fuck Lilies

It is possible to fuck the Fuck Lilies obtained from the Mhen'gan Expedition.

  • Fuck with dick - Fuck them with your penis
  • Fuck with pussy - Ride those wiggly stamen with your pussy


Azra requests your assistance with gathering samples on Mhen'ga, Tarkus, and Myrellion.

Mhen'ga Expedition

Azra and Steele head into the jungle to collect Fuck Lillies. There they encounter the Naleen Brothers and a Nine-tailed Zil.

After returning from the expedition successfully Steele can be hugged by Azra.

Tarkus Expedition

Trials In Tainted Space Foxfire Cast

Azra and Steele travel around Tarkus looking for Motherhusks, Slutshrooms, and Spunkshrooms. While gathering them they encounter a Double-Goo, Raskvel Broodmother, and a Sydian Matriarch.

Collecting all three samples successfully will unlock Azra's shower sex scenes if they were hugged before..


  • Azra is the first Suula to appear in the game.
  • Azra is an Offbeatr Character.
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