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The PS4 Game Saves within this section are unconfirmed this means no testing or details about the game save is known. As TTG users test the game saves and comment details about them they will be moved into the main PS4 Game Saves section. Those fascinated with testing their survival skills and ingenuity can try their hand at a new game called Ark! This multiplayer project will put you to a real trial in the middle of the Jurassic jungle. After selecting a character, you will simply appear on the shore without any idea what happened, how you got there and what will be next. Hi everyone I play ark on the Xbox one and I have been trying to figure out if there is a way to download pc mods onto the Xbox one Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.
The following is for when reverting to a previous save that the game itself has created. This often gets you a more recent save, so is best to do first to minimise any loss. For full backup restores from, for example, our backup tool, please see here articleTaking a backup before beginning of your whole SavedARK folder
Login to our TCAdmin panel
Select your game server and then open the File Manager.
In the File Manager, go to ShooterGame > Saved
You should now see a SavedARKS folder. Select it and click zip.
If you have a different AltSaveDirectoryName in the command line the folder will be whatever it is set to in the command line. Example: AltSaveDirectoryName=SAVEFOLDERNAME (Folder will be SAVEFOLDERNAME)
Hoe Download Je Ark Mods Ps4 Mods
If you get a too large error:
This is because your map is large, the SavedARKS folder contains lots of backup copies of your map that you don't need. See the marked ones in the below image
Delete the old ones that you don't want to revert your save too, for example if you want to revert to a save taken on the 31st, you could delete all the ones on the 30th to reduce the size of the folder and enable you to zip.
If you don't want to delete any, you could transfer them to your computer using an FTP program, or download each file manually.
Download this zip for your backup.
If you get an error saying that its too large to zip, please look here
Before we go any further you should know more about what the Saved folder contains. For your ARK server to load correctly, three key files are required:
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TheIsland.ark - This is your current loaded save. (the file will have whichever map you are using in the filename in place of TheIsland, i.e. Ragnarok.ark)
xxxxxxxxx.arkprofile - These are the profiles and configurations of players who have joined your server. These are created as join.
xxxxxxxxx.arktribe - These are the tribe profiles and configurations of tribes on the server. These are created as people create tribes.
The server will load missing the player and tribe files. However, if you had a tribe, you will loose this, the same for your or your players characters. When restoring just the world save file, you shouldn't need to touch the profile or tribe files.
Once you have made sure to backup your existing files:
Login to your server with your chosen FTP program, such as FileZilla
Go into the SavedArks folder, which you will find in ShooterGame > Saved
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You will see many files, some will be in this format (it will vary depending on the map you use) : TheIsland_22.06.2017_11.50.39.ark, which goes: MAP_DATE_TIME. These are your backup saves created by the server. The date and time reflect when the save was taken.
Rename the existing TheIsland.ark to OldTheIsland.Ark (TheIsland will be the name of the map you are using)
Find a previous .ark save that will look similar too: TheIsland_22.06.2017_11.50.39.ark that you want to rollback too. The time format is 24h.
Once you have found the save you wish to restore, rename that file to TheIsland.Ark or the relevant map name you are using.
Once you have done this, start your server and you should be all set to go.
If you prefer to use the file manager rather than an FTP program, it is possible, please see the below image
If you need any assistance with this please contact us.
Hoe Download Je Ark Mods Ps4 Mod
Published on: 16 / 12 / 2018
Rent now your own prepaid ARK: Survival Evolved Server at nitrado.net
Installing mods is very easy using Nitrado's web interface, however, there are some situations you should consider before installing mods on your server.
Mods alter game code in varied and unpredictable ways. Some mods even compete to alter these settings, sometimes leading to read or write errors that can cause the server to crash. Sometimes these errors are not immediately noticeable and their manifestation can occur days or even weeks after their correct installation.
Hoe Download Je Mods Op Ark Ps4
Since mods are not updated in sync with game updates, many times the server starts after being updated to find a bunch of outdated mods. This event can result in the corruption or total loss of information on your server.
The technical support team will not be able to help you recover your data from your server in the event that a modified installation culminates in information corruption.
Also, it's important to keep in mind that mods often negatively impact server performance. A RAM upgrade won't help you in this case as those upgrades only work for Minecraft, Battlefield, and Farm Simulator.
Now that you understand the risks, let's install some mods.
Install mods
The first thing you have to do is know the ID of the mod you want to install. This ID can be found in the description of the mod.
To install the mod on your server:
- Login to your Nitrado.net account
- Navigate to the web interface of your server
- Turn off the server and wait at least 5 minutes
- In the settings section, click on 'Mods + Workshop'
- Look for your mods:
- To open the Workshop in the web browser and not use Steam directly, use this URL: http://steamcommunity.com/app/346110/workshop/
- Now browse the Workshop to find the desired mod, there is a search bar on the top right corner of the website to shorten your search.
- Copy the mod's ID from the Workshop page's URL:
- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=655581765
- Add the mod ID to install in the Active Mods field. Go to 'Settings' -> 'Mods + Workshop' like this:
- Look for your mods:
- If you are adding multiple mods, add the IDs separated by commas and without leaving space.
- Save the changes and start the server.
Consider that the server startup time will increase as the server has to download all the mod files.
Also, once you enter the server, it is possible that the time to enter the first time will increase since your client has to synchronize all the necessary data.