Microsoft Monthview Control 6 0 Missing

I would recommend not to use monthview control. You may use this alternative. If you still want to use the monthview control then see this. The MonthView1 controls return a string value which can be accessed by MonthView1.Value. And once you have the string value, you can convert that to a date value by using CDate For example. To install the Montview Control and Datetime Picker, we need to set a reference to Microsoft MonthView Control 6.0 (SP4) which can only be accessed by elevated registration of mscomct2.ocx. Similarly for mscal.ocx and mscomctl.ocx. Having said that, the deprecated mscal.ocx may. Monthview control missing The monthview control in a file we use regularly is no longer there, and just displays as a big red 'x'. The monthview control is not listed under the 'more controls' option, and I have downloaded mscomct2.ocx to my System 32 file, but it still does not show up as an option. I have been able to set up the Date Picker control 6.0 using developer tab on my laptop at home, but when I email to my inbox at work and try and open, I get a large 'red X' in the box, if I try and see the properties, the properties window when I go in to Developer Design Mode Properties the list is different.

If you are working for an old application you may be presented with the error:

Component ‘MSCOMCTL.OCX’ or one if its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid:

In this case you have two tasks to complete and neither of them are obvious:

Microsoft Monthview Control 6 0 Missing


Microsoft monthview control 6.0

MSCOMCTL.OCX is part of Visual Basic 6 Package and you can download you can just download the MSCOMCTL.OCX directly from us HERE.
UPDATE – MAY 2020- Alternately you can surf to the following address but we removed the clickable link because one of our security checks has marked it as an “aggressive site” so use at your own peril:


You need to know if you are using a 32bit or 64bit version of Windows and because this is not 2002, we are assuming you want to install it on a 64bit PC. If you try to register MSCOMCTL.OCX (which is 32 bit) on a 64 bit system and you put it in the typical C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32 folder you will get:

Microsoft Monthview Control 6.0 Missing


Microsoft Monthview Control 6.0 Excel 2016 Missing

  1. If you are using 64 bit Windows copy the MSCOMCTL.OCX to C:WINDOWSSYSWOW64
    (If you are using 32 bit Windows copy MSCOMCTL.OCX to C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32)
  2. Open a CMD or PowerShell prompt (as an administrator) and change into C:WINDOWSSYSWOW64
  3. Type

    regsvr32 mscomctl.ocx

  4. Press ENTER
  5. Enjoy